Graduate Student Affiliates Network

Panelists at the CLAIS Graduate/Professional Students’ Conference
May 18, 2018

The Council on Latin America and Iberian Studies Graduate Student Affiliates Network seeks to strengthen exchange and innovation in the graduate student community through supporting academic research and social gatherings. The mission is to foster an engaging, interdisciplinary community of students working in fields related to Latin America or Iberia. The network includes students from various departments and schools, including School of Architecture, the School of Forestry and Environmental Science, the School of Management, the School of Drama, and the Divinity School. Many of the affiliates are conducting interdisciplinary research and pursuing degrees in departments such as the Music, Political Science, History, Anthropology, and Spanish & Portuguese.

View the full Council on Latin America and Iberian Studies Graduate Student Affiliates Network page, with links to Graduate Student Affiliates Network interviews >