
Fernando Pessoa Unmasked? Biographer Richard Zenith in Conversation with Inês Forjaz de Lacerda

Celebrated translator and biographer Richard Zenith has spent much of the past three decades translating and writing about the great Portuguese modernist poet Fernando Pessoa.

At Yale, Zenith will talk about what - through all these years - led to some of his recent revisions to his translations and reflect on translation more generally.

PRFDHR Seminar: Promoting maternal mental health and early childhood development in communities exposed to violence and forced displacement in Colombia, Professor Andrés Moya

By the end of 2020, 1 out of every 6 children was living in a region affected by violence and armed conflict. Repeated and traumatic exposure violence at an early age can severely affect children’s mental health and can therefore hinder healthy development and derail their life trajectories. In this paper Professor Moya and his co-authors report the results from a cluster-based randomized trial of Semillas de Apego, a community-based psychosocial model for mothers of young children affected by violence and forced displacement.

PRFDHR Seminar: Market Structure and Extortion: Evidence from 50,000 Extortion Payments in El Salvador, Professor María Micaela Sviatschi

How do gangs compete for extortion? Using detailed data on individual extortion payments to gangs and sales from a leading wholesale distributor of consumer goods and pharmaceuticals in El Salvador, Professor Sviatschi and her co-authors document evidence on the determinants of extortion payments and the effects of extortion on firms and consumers. They exploit a 2016 non-aggression pact between gangs to examine how collusion affects extortion in areas where gangs previously competed.

Latin American Policy Leader Series - Visit of President of Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Ricardo Pérez Manrique

The Yale MacMillan Center Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Fox International Fellowship Program, and Program on Peace and Development are delighted to announce the 2022 Latin American Policy Leader Series. From January to May 2022, the Yale community will have the opportunity to hear from and discuss with high-level Latin American experts and policymakers about how we can work together towards a more equal and just world.

Latin American Policy Leader Series - Visit of Regional Director of UN Women for Latin America & Caribbean

The Yale MacMillan Center Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Fox International Fellowship Program, and Program on Peace and Development are delighted to announce the 2022 Latin American Policy Leader Series. From January to May 2022, the Yale community will have the opportunity to hear from and discuss with high-level Latin American experts and policymakers about how we can work together towards a more equal and just world.
Talk by Maria-Noel Vaeza, Regional Director of UN Women for Latin America and the Caribbean, entitled “Diversity, Equality, and Gender”

Latin American Policy Leader Series: Visit of Regional Director of UN Women for Latin America & Caribbean: “Diversity, Equality, and Gender”

The Yale MacMillan Center Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Fox International Fellowship Program, and Program on Peace and Development are delighted to announce the 2022 Latin American Policy Leader Series.
From January to May 2022, the Yale community will have the opportunity to hear from and discuss with high-level Latin American experts and policymakers about how we can work together towards a more equal and just world.

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